dinsdag 23 februari 2016

Making Free Money With Forex for Beginners with No Budget

If you want to make your first money, with Forex without risking your own money and have little to no knowledge of Forex, you are reading the right article

There are a lot of forex brokers on the internet and some of them offer no-deposit bonus (get free money for opening account) for just only opening an account when joining. But most of them have written in the terms and conditions, what you have to do to withdraw your bonus out of your account. Like most brokers it is near to impossible to get the bonus amount out of your account.

But any profit made from the bonus is no problem. If you have no experience in trading making a profit is really hard, it is just gambling.

So how can you make money in forex without any experience ?
The answer to that question is copy trading (or also called social trading)
Copy trading means that you can copy the trades automatically from successful trader(s) on the site.
It is super easy. In Tradeo there is list of all traders and you can see the profile and how much profit they made in %.  At the moment of writing the best trader had a profit of 5347 % last 12 months
Which means if you used your free 25 euro a year ago and copied his trading you would have 1336 euro now.

I searched the internet, but as far I have seen this is the only forex broker site which gives a no deposit bonus and has a copy trading platform. Most brokers have only one of these two options.

My advice would be to join Tradeo and use the free 25 euro by verifying your account and use the copy trading to follow the trades of a big winner or combination of several winning traders (yup that is also an option). When you see, that you are making money with your copy trading strategy, then you can upscale it by depositing extra money on the site and just let it ride.

To join Tradeo just click here

Next article I will teach you how to make money in forex using a free trading robot and be the guy who everybody follows on a copy trading forex broker which pays commission every time somebody follows you.

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